Siteplan Details

The site plan shown is only a draft site plan, but one we adopt at many of our projects. It allows for 70' wide drives, full site circulation for easy maneuvering, and makes the fire department happy so they can easily navigate within the property.

The yellow blocks are for 50' deep units. How the width is broken up will be determined a little later. The Blue sections are 100' deep and can allow for pull throughs or and variations of 100', such as 60' and a 40' garage, or a 30' and a 70' garage. The purple sections are 12' wide by 76' deep and will likely be configured as pull throughs, with doors at either end. The orange sections are 28' x 38' garages.

The green section is the footprint for the clubhouse and the restrooms. It is about 1800 SF. The aisle widths are very generous at 71’, however, much of that width will be determined as we move through the design process.

I have removed all of the callouts and other architectural symbols and notes to avoid making the site plan unnecessarily complex.

    Siteplan Draft

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